The congress theme “Crises and Transformations” is to be dealt with in a variety of ways through contributions in the form of symposia, working groups, research and thematic forums. Thematically, theoretical, methodological-methodological and empirical forms of treatment are conceivable, which, among other things, pursue the following questions:

  1. How are current social crises interpreted and reflected in educational science and what effects are associated with them? Who are the institutional and individual actors in the process of crisis and transformation? What social, generational, regional and transnational inequalities are associated with crises?
  2. To what extent are practices in upbringing, education, learning or socialisation conceptualised as crisis-related? What institutional and organisational conditions and consequences are associated with such conceptions? How are individual crises accompanied pedagogically and how does pedagogy contribute to overcoming collective crises?
  3. What crisis knowledge is constructed and how, and in what way is it offered for the diagnosis and for the solution of crises? How is this knowledge inscribed in the generational order and to what extent does crisis knowledge itself enter into crisis? Are the transformation processes of educational knowledge in history and the present to be understood as crisis-like?
  4. Which crises and transformation processes characterise educational science historically and currently? Which transformation impulses and possibilities have crises produced for the discipline or currently offer potential? Are social crises turned into crises in educational science, and if so, how? What role do forms and practices of critique play in crises and transformations?
  5. In which discourses are historical and current diagnoses of crisis with consequences for education articulated and what is made visible or hidden in the process? To what extent is pedagogical knowledge formed as crisis knowledge or is produced and legitimised by crisis knowledge? What analytical potential do crisis and transformation have as heuristics for educational science?

Submission deadline and selection process

From all submissions for symposia, working groups as well as research and thematic forums, the programme commission appointed by the DGfE board will select the papers to be presented at the 29th DGfE Congress in Halle on the basis of three anonymised reviews. Papers must be submitted online via ConfTool by 26 April 2023 at the latest. Further details on the procedure (such as the review criteria) can be found on the Halle congress website from mid-March 2023. Notifications of acceptance or rejection of papers for the different formats (except for the posters and the AdHoc groups) are expected to be sent out by the end of July 2023.

In order to be able to offer as many colleagues as possible – also from the international context – active participation in the 29th DGfE Congress, multiple appearances as speakers in symposia and working groups are excluded during the congress. You can only give one presentation in these two event formats. However, if the programme structure permits, it is possible to participate in the organisation and implementation of other congress events as a discussant or moderator in addition to presenting in one of these formats.

For the submission of symposia, research and thematic forums and working groups via ConfTool, a maximum number of characters of 4,000 (incl. spaces) is specified for the jacket abstract (cross-contribution description of the concept and content of the submission), for the individual contributions a maximum of 1,500 characters (incl. spaces). The mantel abstract can be downloaded from the congress homepage and will be uploaded as a pdf file via ConfTool for review after editing. Please ensure that the document and the information on individual contributions are anonymised in the ConfTool.

All speakers register for the congress as participants and pay the participation fee.

Here you can download the english Call for Papers.

Mantel abstract: Here you can download the template for the mantel abstract as a docx file. Please submit it via ConfTool as a pdf file after editing. Please make sure that the document is anonymized.

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