AdHoc groups (90 min.) are offered on 12.03.2024. The content of AdHoc Groups is discipline-political and science-political problems. The content design is the responsibility of the submitters; classical as well as alternative forms of design are desired. However, the manner of design should be justified in the submission. Rejected contributions for other event formats (e.g. working groups or symposia) cannot be resubmitted as AdHoc groups. The review of the submitted AdHoc groups is the responsibility of the local organising committee.

Contributions for AdHoc groups, like all other contributions, are submitted electronically to the DGfE Congress via ConfTool (LINK). Submissions must be made between 02.10. and 26.11.2023. A maximum of 4,000 characters is available for the joint abstract. The abstract must clearly describe the content and conceptual design of the planned AdHoc group. This abstract is to be supplemented by a summary for the programme, with a maximum length of 1,000 characters. In the case of individual papers or longer discussion contributions within the AdHoc groups, these are to be presented in the submission with an abstract of no more than 1,500 characters each. The texts are to be submitted in anonymised form, as the review will be anonymised.

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